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Foundations for a Better Oregon

Our Vision

We envision a better Oregon that hears, values, and cares for every child. Communities, policymakers, system leaders, and philanthropy forge networks of trust, honor Oregon’s complexity, and move as one to remedy the historical and emerging injustices facing children. Public systems authentically engage families and communities in design and decision-making to uphold our collective commitment to children. Together, Oregonians nurture children’s learning, aspirations, and humanity, and every child knows that they belong.

Oregon's Student Success Act

A New Five-Part Series Illuminates Five Years of Implementation and Impact

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Op-Ed: It's Time to Modernize Oregon's Quality Education Model

In The Oregonian, FBO's Whitney Grubbs explains how fixing Oregon's Quality Education Model can help make sure state dollars improve public schools for all Oregon students.

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What We Do

FBO is demystifying complex systems and elevating community-driven solutions to disrupt the historical and emerging injustices facing Oregon children and families.

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Who We Are

At Foundations for a Better Oregon (FBO), we are fervent believers in Oregon’s children, families, and communities. We are conveners, researchers, advocates, and storytellers. And we are systems thinkers and bridge builders, reimagining how Oregon supports every child to learn, grow, and thrive.

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What We Believe

We believe Oregon’s children are a shared responsibility. FBO's values, theory of change, and partnerships drive our work to ensure Oregon lives up to this sacred responsibility.

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Our Strategic Priorities

Acknowledging Native Land, Lives, and Ways of Knowing

Our Acknowledgment