Stories help us understand who we are, how our children are doing, and what gives us hope. When we reframe systemic failures and uplift the strengths of Oregon's children and communities, we can narrate the path to a more just future.

Over a hundred policy, community, and education leaders discussed opportunities to accelerate and sustain progress for Oregon children.
Former Rep. Barbara Smith Warner and Sen. Arnie Roblan—architects of the Student Success Act—explain why this landmark legislation should be a model for all of Oregon’s K-12 funding.

From K-12 funding transparency to student safety and belonging, we break down what happened and what comes next for Oregon public education policy.
In The Oregonian, FBO's Whitney Grubbs explains how fixing Oregon's Quality Education Model can help make sure state dollars improve public schools for all Oregon students.

FBO’s Janet Soto Rodriguez reflects on opportunities to engage rural voice, vision, and strength wherever decisions are made.
New K-12 social studies standards can make learning more engaging, rigorous, and inclusive for all students. Now, the state must help schools prepare.

'La abundancia que tenemos': Stories of youth leadership and community-based summer learning in the TURNO and Anahuac programs at Capaces Leadership Institute
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