Block Guide

Bard Block

I’m perfect for freeform text

This is lead text

Subtext will basically create a dropcap. I can do all sorts of rich text formatting such as strong, emphasis, and underline. Links are easy to do to placed like the homepage.

It gets even better with superscripting text like sup which is perfect for annotations. You can write normal text in unordered lists:

  • Unordered list item 1

  • Unordered list item 2

  • Unordered list item 3

We can even do numbered lists:

  1. This is an ordered list item

  2. And another ordered list item

  3. And finally a third ordered list item

Heading Waterfall

heading 2

heading 3

heading 4

heading 5
heading 6

Inline Image

Image Alt Text which is also used as the image caption when in the appropriate block

Image with Caption

Image Alt Text which is also used as the image caption when in the appropriate block
Image Alt Text which is also used as the image caption when in the appropriate block

Video Embed

Text/Image Block

33/33/33 Column Block

75/25 Custom Content Blocks

Image Alt Text which is also used as the image caption when in the appropriate block

At FBO, we're collaboratively reimagining how Oregon's systems support every child to learn, grow, and thrive.

Entry Button Text

Custom Content Heading

Custom Content Summary

This is a custom content summary field perfect for descriptive copy. You can bolditalicize, and link content entered into this block.

Button Text

Image Alt Text which is also used as the image caption when in the appropriate block
Image Alt Text which is also used as the image caption when in the appropriate block


At FBO, we're collaboratively reimagining how Oregon's systems support every child to learn, grow, and thrive.

Entry CTA

50/50 Column Block

Image Alt Text which is also used as the image caption when in the appropriate block

At FBO, we're collaboratively reimagining how Oregon's systems support every child to learn, grow, and thrive.

Entry CTA

Custom Content Heading

Custom Content Summary

Custom Content. Content goes here. Writing some content. BoldItalics.

Custom Button Text

Colored Custom Content Heading

Colored Custom Content Summary

Content goes here. Writing some content. BoldItalics.

This can link to modals too!

2 Up / 1 Up Block

Image Alt Text which is also used as the image caption when in the appropriate block

Heading 1

Content goes here. You can bold and make copy italics.

Button Text

Heading 2

Content goes here. You can bold and make copy italics.

Heading 1

Content goes here. You can bold and make copy italics.

Heading 2

Content goes here. You can bold and make copy italics.

Image Alt Text which is also used as the image caption when in the appropriate block

Note Block

This is a simple note field perfect for small bits of content that add greater context and information to the main entry and page content. You can bold, italicize, and link content entered into this block.

CTA Block

Collection Blocks

Issue Paper: Using Average Daily Attendance as a Basis for Distributing State School Revenue

This 2011 issue paper addressed key implementation questions about using average daily attendance, rather than enrollment, in Oregon's formula for distributing school funding at the time.


A Review of Research on Extended Learning Time in K-12 Schools

This 2010 report reviewed available research at the time on the impact of extended learning time (ELT) programs which sought to improve educational outcomes by increasing school hours or implementing out-of-school programs.


Issue Paper: Early Age Initiatives and Student Achievement

This 2010 issue paper highlighted two promising practices of the time to help early learners: K-1 class size reduction to 15 students, and assignment of reading tutors to every K-3 student reading below grade level.


The Economic Impacts of Oregon's Student Achievement Gap

This 2010 analysis estimated the economic cost of educational disparities impacting Oregon's Black, Indigenous, and children of color at the time.
